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Akatlar Mah. Uğur Mumcu Cad. Mustafa Kemal Kül. Mer. Girişi, Beşiktaş, İstanbul

What Does a Boot Scan Do?

A boot scan, also known as a shoe scan or pre-boot virus scanner, is a sophisticated tool used by antimalware programs to identify and eliminate malware that could not be detected using traditional scanning tools. This type of scan could be set to run automatically on a regular basis, or manually by the user if they suspect that their computer has been infected. A majority of antivirus programs allow users to choose the sensitivity level of the boot scan, as well as what actions should be taken in the event of a threat being detected.

A boot scan is efficient because it lets an antimalware program to find files that are used by the OS. These files are not easily deleted because they are constantly being accessed by the OS. They will show an Access Denied message when you try to delete them. The boot scan will detect these files and allow antivirus software to remove them before the OS is able to start using them.

The duration of the process of a boot scan is dependent according to a variety of variables, such as the speed of the CPU, the number of system files are being scrutinized and whether or not the computer is in use during the process of scanning (thus changing the status of these files). However, it is common for this kind of scan to take much longer than an ordinary antivirus scan due to the extensive nature of the process.